Thursday, December 27, 2012

Relationship Status

As I sit having my coffee this chilly morning,  dreading going outside, my mind is set on religious labels. I used to have more adjectives to describe my walk of faith than "Carter had little liver pills," as my granddad used to say.
As I grew up, both physically and spiritually I realized that those labels did nothing for my walk with God or my influence on this planet. They seemed only as a way to fence God's children into pre-approved boxes. To place us in groups of like-minded souls for camp-meetings, youth camps, conferences,  etc.  I realized - I hate camping and I didn't like how I was isolated from so many other segments of society. We were told to live in such a way so that the "world" would want to be like see they were missing something. That's fine. But what they were missing many times wasn't a personal, spiritual relationship with their Creator. Many times it was racism, bigotry, idolatry and man-worship. It was staged encounters of the masses with the Holy Spirit instead of that still, small voice Scripture teaches.
While I still hold to some of the doctrinal beliefs of my upbringing - the labels have fallen away. I embrace those who aren't just like me because we are all in this together. I doubt the next life has neighborhoods segregated by race or denomination or sexual orientation so I'd rather not waste the days of this life being closed off from the rest of God's children.
Tell me your story. Do you still follow the traditions of your upbringing?  Have you ever converted to another denomination or another faith entirely?  What brought you there?
What is your current relationship status with God and the church? 
I am in a serious relationship with God because of Jesus. I am learning each day to trust Him a bit more and fret about religion a bit less.

I love James 1:27 from The Message. I will leave you with this. "Real religion, the kind that passes muster before God the Father, is this: Reach out to the homeless and loveless in their plight, and guard against corruption from the godless world."
Have a great day. Be someone's reason to smile.